Discover the Best-Selling General Introduction to Homeopathy !

NEW!!! Finally, the Spanish translation of Impossible Cure!

Check out these video interviews of Amy about homeopathy and the energy body
that were filmed for a movie about synchronicity and consciousness, Time Is Art.

Amy's second book, Active Consciousness named (along with The Power of Now) as one of 5 Spiritual books that will change your perspective of reality!

impossible cure

Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy provides an in-depth and exciting account of the history, philosophy, science, and experience of homeopathic medicine.

At the core of Impossible Cure is the amazing story of how Amy Lansky's son was cured of autism with homeopathy. It also includes dozens of other testimonials of homeopathic cures for a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions.

Impossible Cure will serve as an invaluable guide to anyone interested in learning more about this intriguing form of health care.

What the Experts Have to Say...

"The finest general introduction to homeopathy I've yet read...This book should be read by everyone interested in homeopathy, from the rank beginner to the seasoned professional. It has something new in it for everyone."
-- Julian Winston, Editor, Homeopathy Today; Author, The Faces of Homeopathy

"An introduction to homeopathy that stands out from the rest."
-- Dr. Joseph Mercola, Mercola Newsletter

"Amy Lansky is a skilled guide to the world of homeopathy."
-- Larry Dossey, MD, Executive Editor, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine; Author, Healing Words

"One of the most complete pictures of homeopathy ever written."
-- Richard Pitt, CCH, RSHom(NA), Director, Pacific Academy of Homeopathy

"We have never had this kind of response to an introductory book."
-- Greg Cooper, Owner, Minimum Price Homeopathic Books

"One of the best introductions to homeopathy I've seen. Two thumbs up for Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy."
-- Michael Castleman, Author: The New Healing Herbs and other consumer health books

"Amy Lansky's clear and compelling book is both timely and informative. Highly recommended!
-- Bernard Rimland, PhD, Director, Autism Research Institute

"A perfect book for patients and first year students of homeopathy."
-- Louis Klein, RSHom, President, Luminos Homeopathic Courses, Ltd.

"An accessible guide to one of the most mysterious of healing arts."
-- Wayne B. Jonas, MD, Director, Samueli Institute; Former director, Office of Alternative Medicine, NIH

"This is the most exciting introduction to homeopathy you could read and pass on to your potential patients... It is a charming book."
-- Francis Treuherz, Homeopathic Practitioner and Reviewer for The Homoeopath (Winter 2004 issue)

"This book may very well contribute to the transformation of homeopathy from the ugly duckling of medicine to the swan that it deserves to be."
-- Lia Bello, RN, FNP, CCH, Reviewer for Homeopathy Today (July/August 2003 issue)